Get Thailand's Natural Jade Stone
yu (in Chinese): (Not to be confused with the cheap Nephrite.)
The Chinese say, 'gold has a price but Jade is priceless,’
and ‘Jade heavens stone.'
As Cortez pillaged gold, emeralds etc from the Aztec empire,
Moctezuma said,“Thank god they don’t know about
the jade.”
Jadeite is believed to bring luck, fortune, power and longevity.
Jade is said to possess healing powers for; the kidney, heart,
larynx, liver, parathyroid, spleen, thymus, thyroid and parasympathetic
ganglia as well strengthens the body.
Gems sells A-Type jadeite, which is far, far more
valuable and desirable than nephrite. (Nephrite
is also called jade by our competitors but should
not be confused with the more valuable jadeite.)
Gems untreated jadeite is worth more than 100 times than a similar piece
of C-Type jadeite.(Click to find out about C-type jadeite.)
direct from the source, this allows for the lowest price or money
back guarantee.

sawing jade
Jade Rough |

Jade Market |
Jadeite Discount Sale
Jade is the world’s
most precious stone, fetching prices higher than anything
except the rarest colored diamonds. Indeed, five of the ten
most expensive jewelry lots sold worldwide by Christie’s
in 1999 were jade, including three of the top five. - Burmese
Jade, R.W. Hughes .
"Prices of jadeite have soared since the end of World
War 2, with some pieces rising several dozen times in price."
Gemstones Quality and Value Volume 1- Yasukazu Suwa.